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Ever eat something that made you stop, and think, “This is to die for?” How about, “I would lose a tooth for this?”

Sometimes when I come into work, I have the pleasure of hearing various stories about the girls and how their nights went. The awesome tables they had, or maybe the guy that tipped $3 on a $65 check.

Whatever the case may be, I’m usually entertained.

So tonight, when I came into work, a particular story surfaced, but I don’t exactly remember how it came to be… Anyway.

The Monster-in-Law told me about some couple that came in. A guy and a girl, who had been out drinking somewhere. I’m not sure if the guy was drunk, but the Monster (Let’s shorten her name, it’s a little long) and the server of this couple were both under the impression that at least the woman was drunk.

I’m not sure if other people were involved, but that hardly matters. It’s still a funny story.

The couple order a bunch of food, starting with appetizers and finishing with some dinners. I’m assuming the dinner part, I just heard they ordered a bunch of food.

At one point, they were eating Mozzarella Sticks and mid bite, the woman’s tooth broke. I mean literally, a chunk of her tooth broke off. Understandably, the woman was a little upset. I’m sure if a piece of my tooth broke, hell if it even cracked, I’d be upset. More embarrassed than anything, really.

If you think about it, how rotted does your tooth have to be for it to break while eating melted cheese?

So according to the story, this broken toothed woman began complaining that her tooth broke in the first place because the mozzarella stick was still frozen. The server, hereby named Spring Chicken, took them away and checked them in the kitchen.

Her findings? Lukewarm cheese that was at the very least, no where near frozen. And I’m going to hope that they were lukewarm because they had been sitting on the table for awhile. :)

So now, not only is there a drunk woman, but she’s missing a tooth and becoming a liar. Sparkling resume for a barfly, if you ask me.

I’m not entirely sure how the conversation went between the Monster and the Tooth. (Monster is in charge.) But I know that Monster is very good at what she does, and can smooth over most situations without breaking a sweat.

However, the Tooth was looking for more than a smooth over. “Aren’t you even going to say sorry?” I can only imagine the strength of will it would take to keep a serious face with this woman. I don’t know what Monster said to that, but I’m sure it was nothing close to what she was thinking.

I’m more curious to know why this woman seemed to think anyone owed her an apology. I understand that it’s upsetting for her, but did anyone here reach into her mouth and yank out part of her tooth? No. Spring Chicken took their order and brought their food, as they requested.

Which brings me to the next part. Remember how I mentioned they ordered a bunch of food? Yeah, they got up and walked out after that, canceling their order. I hope she brushed her teeth when she got home.

And Spring Chicken said it best. “It doesn’t matter what you’re eating. When a tooth is going to go, it’s going. I lost a crown once while eating a kaiser roll.”